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  • IRow
    • ISettingTruthOptionSubtableRow



$id: string


Attributes?: IAttribute[]

The attributes set by this row.

Ceiling: null | number

The high end of the dice range for this row.





Content?: IOracleContent

Metadata that describes an oracle's semantic or lexical content.

Display?: IDisplay

Data relevant to this item's display/rendering.

Floor: null | number

The low end of the dice range for this row.





Game objects?: IGameObject[]

Any game objects that are explicitly pointed to by the original text. For most implementations, it is not recommended to generate them automatically - see "Peeling the Onion", p. 293.

Multiple rolls?: IMultipleRolls

Data for rows that call for multiple rolls, e.g. on Roll twice results.

Oracle rolls?: string[]

Additional oracle tables that should be rolled when this row is selected.

Result: string

The primary result text for the row, annotated in Markdown. In the book, this is frequently the only column aside from the roll column. Otherwise, it is the first column. Some tables label this column as something other than Result; see the parent (or grandparent) Oracle.Display for more information.

Roll template?: IRollTemplate

Describes the string values of this item that should be replaced with template strings and filled with the results of one or more oracle rolls.

Subtable?: IRow[]

A table to be rolled when this row is selected. If this row references an external oracle, the Oracles property is used instead.

Suggestions?: ISuggestions

"Non-canonical" suggestions of related items. They might be convenient to present to the user, but in most implementations rolling them automatically is not recommended.

Summary?: null | string

A secondary markdown string that must be presented to the user for the implementation to be complete, but may benefit from progressive disclosure (such as a collapsible element, popover/tooltip, etc).

Generally, Summary is longer than Result.

Some tables label this column as something other than Result; see the parent (or grandparent) IOracle.Display.Table for more information.

null is used in cases where an 'empty' Summary exists (example: Starship Type, p. 326). In the book, these table cells are rendered with the text -- (and this is the recommended placeholder for tabular display). For display as a single result (e.g. VTT table roll output), however, null values can be safely omitted.


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